Our Swiss name database contains 6.085 Swiss surnames and 60.225 Swiss first names categorized by gender and frequency. After payment you can download the Swiss name database in CSV, SQL or JSON format. In Switzerland we received a name and gender database from the Swiss government and merged it with publicly available data sets. To create the Swiss name database we used 82.876 validated Swiss social media profiles. We have a detailed explanation of our methodology and illustrate our approach with several examples.

Popular Swiss surnames

This table show popular Swiss surnames. In the Republic of Switzerland, the surname is passed down from the father to the children. In some cases, the mother's surname may also be used in combination with the father's. The use of double surnames is becoming more common, particularly among women who wish to retain their maiden name. Swiss citizens have the right to change their surname, but it must be done through a legal process and may require specific criteria to be met.

Surname Frequency*1 Percentage*1 Alternative countries*2
Muller 401 0.5% German American Brazilian
Meier 258 0.3% German American Dutch
Schmid 229 0.3% German American Austrian
Schneider 189 0.2% German American Brazilian
Keller 188 0.2% American German Brazilian
Meyer 154 0.2% American German French
Weber 151 0.2% American German Brazilian
Fischer 143 0.2% German American Austrian
Baumann 117 0.1% German American French
Zimmermann 116 0.1% German American Brazilian
  • *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 82.876 Swiss social media profiles.
  • *2 Alternative countries are countries where this surname also is used. They are sorted on popularity.

Swiss first names

In Switzerland, parents typically pick a first name for their child based on personal preference, family tradition, and cultural or religious significance. Many parents also consider the popularity and meaning of the name before making a decision. They may also consult with family members or friends for suggestions or input. Ultimately, the choice of a first name is a personal one and can vary greatly from family to family.

Popular Swiss male names

First name Frequency*1 Percentage*1 Alternative countries*2
Daniel 946 1.7% American British Spanish
Thomas 839 1.5% American German British
Michael 831 1.5% American British German
David 660 1.2% American British Spanish
Christian 637 1.1% American German British
Martin 609 1.1% British German American
Patrick 581 1.0% American British German
Peter 557 1.0% British American Dutch
Andreas 539 0.9% German Swedish Austrian
Stefan 536 0.9% German Dutch American
  • *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 82.876 Swiss social media profiles from which 57.069 (69%) is male.
  • *2 Alternative countries are countries where this first name also is used. They are sorted on popularity.

Popular Swiss female names

First name Frequency*1 Percentage*1 Alternative countries*2
Andrea 399 1.5% Italian American Spanish
Sarah 232 0.9% British American Canadian
Sandra 218 0.8% Spanish American British
Laura 204 0.8% British American Spanish
Claudia 204 0.8% Spanish American Italian
Barbara 181 0.7% American Brazilian Italian
Anna 177 0.7% American British Spanish
Nicole 151 0.6% American British German
Maria 150 0.6% Spanish American Venezuelan
Daniela 140 0.5% Colombian Mexican Italian
  • *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 82.876 Swiss social media profiles from which 25.807 (31%) is female.
  • *2 Alternative countries are countries where this first name also is used. They are sorted on popularity.