Our Polish name database contains 11.136 Polish surnames and 54.564 Polish first names categorized by gender and frequency. After payment you can download the Polish name database in CSV, SQL or JSON format. In Poland we received a name and gender database from the Polish government and merged it with publicly available data sets. To create the Polish name database we used 167.424 validated Polish social media profiles. We have a detailed explanation of our methodology and illustrate our approach with several examples.
Popular Polish surnames
This table show popular Polish surnames. In Poland, surnames typically indicate the father's first name or occupation. For example, the surname "Kowalski" indicates that the person's father's first name is Kowal, meaning "blacksmith." Additionally, many Polish surnames have different forms for men and women, with the female form typically ending in "-ska." For example, a man with the surname "Kowalski" would have a wife with the surname "Kowalska." The use of surnames in Poland is also heavily influenced by the Catholic Church, which began recording surnames in the 18th century.
Surname | Percentage*1 | Alternative countries*2 |
Nowak | 0.6% | |
Kowalski | 0.3% | |
Wójcik | 0.3% | |
Kowalczyk | 0.2% | |
Wiśniewski | 0.2% | |
Mazur | 0.2% | |
Kaczmarek | 0.2% | |
Lewandowski | 0.2% | |
Krawczyk | 0.1% | |
Kowalska | 0.1% |
- *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 167.424 Polish social media profiles.
- *2 Alternative countries are countries where this surname also is used. They are sorted on popularity.
Polish first names
In Poland, parents typically choose a first name for their child based on a combination of personal preference, family tradition, and cultural norms. Many parents choose names that have a strong connection to their Catholic faith, while others may opt for more modern or unique names. Often, parents will also consider the name's meaning, as well as its potential impact on the child's future. Additionally, parents may consult with family members or friends for input and suggestions on the naming process.
Popular Polish male names
First name | Percentage*1 | Alternative countries*2 | |
Michał | 4.0% | ||
Michal | 4.0% | ||
Piotr | 3.4% | ||
Marcin | 3.2% | ||
Paweł | 3.1% | ||
Pawel | 3.1% | ||
Mateusz | 2.8% | ||
łukasz | 2.7% | ||
Lukasz | 2.7% | ||
Tomasz | 2.5% |
- *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 167.424 Polish social media profiles from which 119.788 (72%) is male.
- *2 Alternative countries are countries where this first name also is used. They are sorted on popularity.
Popular Polish female names
First name | Percentage*1 | Alternative countries*2 | |
Karolína | 3.3% | ||
Marta | 2.8% | ||
Natalia | 2.8% | ||
Agnieszka | 2.7% | ||
Monika | 2.5% | ||
Katarzyna | 2.5% | ||
Paulína | 2.4% | ||
Aleksandra | 2.4% | ||
Joanna | 2.3% | ||
Magdalena | 2.2% |
- *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 167.424 Polish social media profiles from which 47.636 (28%) is female.
- *2 Alternative countries are countries where this first name also is used. They are sorted on popularity.