Our Peruvian name database contains 5.029 Peruvian surnames and 12.281 Peruvian first names categorized by gender and frequency. After payment you can download the Peruvian name database in CSV, SQL or JSON format. South America is not very well organised and only have a few open data initiatives. The list of names from countries like Peru have a reasonable quality but are limited. The Peruvian names are validated using official governmental databases we received in other countries which contained Peruvian names as well. To create the Peruvian name database we used 103.954 validated Peruvian social media profiles. We have a detailed explanation of our methodology and illustrate our approach with several examples.

Popular Peruvian surnames

This table show popular Peruvian surnames. In Peru, the surname traditionally follows the first name and is inherited from the father. It is common for women to keep their maiden name after marriage, but some may choose to take their husband's surname. In some cases, a person may have multiple surnames, including a combination of their father's and mother's surnames.

Surname Frequency*1 Percentage*1 Alternative countries*2
Rodriguez 1.116 1.1% Spanish American Mexican
Garcia 909 0.9% Spanish Mexican American
Sanchez 883 0.8% Spanish Mexican American
Torres 737 0.7% American Mexican Spanish
Flores 706 0.7% Mexican American Spanish
Ramirez 675 0.6% Mexican American Colombian
Lopez 662 0.6% Spanish American Mexican
Diaz 649 0.6% Spanish American Mexican
Rojas 623 0.6% Venezuelan Colombian Mexican
Castillo 605 0.6% Mexican American Spanish
  • *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 103.954 Peruvian social media profiles.
  • *2 Alternative countries are countries where this surname also is used. They are sorted on popularity.

Peruvian first names

In Peru, parents typically choose a first name for their child based on cultural and religious traditions. Many parents opt for names that have meaning and significance, such as names of saints or biblical figures. They also often choose names that are popular within their community or have been passed down through their family. Additionally, parents may consult with grandparents or other family members to help them decide on a name.

Popular Peruvian male names

First name Frequency*1 Percentage*1 Alternative countries*2
Carlos 1.693 2.7% Spanish Mexican American
Luis 1.521 2.4% Mexican Spanish Venezuelan
Jose 1.192 1.9% Spanish Venezuelan American
Jorge 1.002 1.6% Spanish Mexican American
Diego 899 1.4% Spanish Brazilian Colombian
Cesar 802 1.3% Mexican Spanish Venezuelan
Daniel 769 1.2% American British Spanish
Juan 753 1.2% Spanish Colombian American
Miguel 728 1.1% Spanish Mexican American
Fernando 614 1.0% Spanish Brazilian Mexican
  • *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 103.954 Peruvian social media profiles from which 63.722 (61%) is male.
  • *2 Alternative countries are countries where this first name also is used. They are sorted on popularity.

Popular Peruvian female names

First name Frequency*1 Percentage*1 Alternative countries*2
Claudia 585 1.5% Spanish American Italian
Andrea 572 1.4% Italian American Spanish
Diana 404 1.0% American Mexican Colombian
Fiorella 363 0.9% Italian Argentinean Venezuelan
Milagros 354 0.9% Argentinean Venezuelan Spanish
Patricia 309 0.8% Spanish American Brazilian
Gabriela 301 0.7% Brazilian Venezuelan Mexican
Valeria 297 0.7% Italian Mexican Argentinean
Alexandra 297 0.7% American British French
Daniela 282 0.7% Colombian Mexican Italian
  • *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 103.954 Peruvian social media profiles from which 40.232 (39%) is female.
  • *2 Alternative countries are countries where this first name also is used. They are sorted on popularity.