Our Luxembourger name database contains 1.889 Luxembourger surnames and 6.174 Luxembourger first names categorized by gender and frequency. After payment you can download the Luxembourger name database in CSV, SQL or JSON format. The Luxembourger names are validated using official governmental databases we received in other countries which contained Luxembourger names as well. To create the Luxembourger name database we used 27.642 validated Luxembourger social media profiles. We have a detailed explanation of our methodology and illustrate our approach with several examples.

Popular Luxembourger surnames

This table show popular Luxembourger surnames. In Luxembourg, surnames typically follow the pattern of a given name followed by a patronymic or matronymic surname. This means that the surname is derived from the father's or mother's first name. For example, if a person's father's name is Jean, their surname would likely be Jean or Jeans. Additionally, married women in Luxembourg often adopt their husband's surname, while keeping their maiden name as a middle name.

Surname Frequency*1 Percentage*1 Alternative countries*2
Rossi 88 0.3% Italian American Brazilian
Esposito 47 0.2% Italian American Argentinean
Russo 41 0.1% Italian American Argentinean
Romano 41 0.1% Italian American Argentinean
Luxembourg 41 0.1% French American Israeli
Bianchi 35 0.1% Italian American Argentinean
Italia 30 0.1% Italian American British
Costa 30 0.1% Brazilian Portuguese American
Weber 29 0.1% American German Brazilian
Schmit 29 0.1% American French Dutch
  • *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 27.642 Luxembourger social media profiles.
  • *2 Alternative countries are countries where this surname also is used. They are sorted on popularity.

Luxembourger first names

In Luxembourg, parents typically pick a first name for their child based on personal preference and family tradition. Many parents choose a name that has been passed down through the family, or one that holds special meaning to them. They may also consider the popularity of the name and how it will be perceived by others. Ultimately, the decision is a personal one and is made with the best interests of the child in mind.

Popular Luxembourger male names

First name Frequency*1 Percentage*1 Alternative countries*2
Marco 359 2.2% Italian American Dutch
Francesco 341 2.1% Italian American British
Antonio 265 1.6% Spanish Italian American
Giuseppe 253 1.6% Italian American British
Alessandro 252 1.5% Italian American Brazilian
Luca 246 1.5% Italian American German
Matteo 194 1.2% Italian American French
Giovanni 167 1.0% Italian American Brazilian
Roberto 163 1.0% Italian Spanish Mexican
Davide 155 1.0% Italian American British
  • *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 27.642 Luxembourger social media profiles from which 16.284 (59%) is male.
  • *2 Alternative countries are countries where this first name also is used. They are sorted on popularity.

Popular Luxembourger female names

First name Frequency*1 Percentage*1 Alternative countries*2
Andrea 347 3.1% Italian American Spanish
Francesca 206 1.8% Italian British American
Sara 178 1.6% American Spanish Italian
Anna 158 1.4% American British Spanish
Giulia 151 1.3% Italian American British
Michele 149 1.3% Italian American Brazilian
Laura 132 1.2% British American Spanish
Chiara 131 1.2% Italian American British
Simone 130 1.1% Italian American Brazilian
Martina 122 1.1% Italian German American
  • *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 27.642 Luxembourger social media profiles from which 11.358 (41%) is female.
  • *2 Alternative countries are countries where this first name also is used. They are sorted on popularity.