Our Cameroonian name database contains 2.478 Cameroonian surnames and 8.608 Cameroonian first names categorized by gender and frequency. After payment you can download the Cameroonian name database in CSV, SQL or JSON format. Africa is very poor organised and has no open data initiatives. The list of names from countries like Cameroon are very limited to the names we know from other countries. The Cameroonian names are validated using official governmental databases we received in other countries which contained Cameroonian names as well. To create the Cameroonian name database we used 32.821 validated Cameroonian social media profiles. We have a detailed explanation of our methodology and illustrate our approach with several examples.

Popular Cameroonian surnames

This table show popular Cameroonian surnames. In Cameroon, surnames are typically passed down from the father. Children take on their father's surname, and women often adopt their husband's surname upon marriage. Some ethnic groups may also have traditional surnames that are passed down through the family. Additionally, some individuals may choose to adopt a new surname for various reasons, such as professional or personal preference.

Surname Frequency*1 Percentage*1 Alternative countries*2
Smith 239 0.7% American British Canadian
Jones 122 0.4% American British Canadian
Brown 104 0.3% American British Canadian
Williams 79 0.2% American British Canadian
Taylor 74 0.2% American British Canadian
White 66 0.2% American British Canadian
King 64 0.2% American British Canadian
Ali 64 0.2% Pakistani Egyptian Indian
Wilson 63 0.2% American British Canadian
Johnson 63 0.2% American British Canadian
  • *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 32.821 Cameroonian social media profiles.
  • *2 Alternative countries are countries where this surname also is used. They are sorted on popularity.

Cameroonian first names

In Cameroon, parents typically pick a first name for their child based on cultural and traditional practices. Many parents choose names that have significance in their ethnic group or religion. They may also choose names that honor ancestors or have special meanings. Additionally, some parents will consult with family members or traditional naming ceremonies to determine the best name for their child.

Popular Cameroonian male names

First name Frequency*1 Percentage*1 Alternative countries*2
Paul 252 1.2% British American Dutch
David 237 1.1% American British Spanish
Mark 218 1.0% American British Dutch
James 218 1.0% British American Australian
Chris 185 0.9% American British Canadian
John 184 0.9% American British Canadian
Ben 161 0.8% British American Australian
Daniel 152 0.7% American British Spanish
Steve 150 0.7% American British Canadian
Alex 148 0.7% American British Spanish
  • *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 32.821 Cameroonian social media profiles from which 21.161 (64%) is male.
  • *2 Alternative countries are countries where this first name also is used. They are sorted on popularity.

Popular Cameroonian female names

First name Frequency*1 Percentage*1 Alternative countries*2
Sarah 155 1.3% British American Canadian
Emma 130 1.1% British American Irish
Laura 84 0.7% British American Spanish
Lisa 81 0.7% American British Canadian
Claire 77 0.7% British American French
Louise 69 0.6% British American Irish
Jo 62 0.5% British American Australian
Charlotte 62 0.5% British American French
Rachel 61 0.5% American British Canadian
Kelly 59 0.5% American British Canadian
  • *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 32.821 Cameroonian social media profiles from which 11.660 (36%) is female.
  • *2 Alternative countries are countries where this first name also is used. They are sorted on popularity.