Our Australian name database contains 16.841 Australian surnames and 27.945 Australian first names categorized by gender and frequency. After payment you can download the Australian name database in CSV, SQL or JSON format. In Australia we received a name and gender database from the Australian government and merged it with publicly available data sets. To create the Australian name database we used 312.612 validated Australian social media profiles. We have a detailed explanation of our methodology and illustrate our approach with several examples.

Popular Australian surnames

This table show popular Australian surnames. In Australia, surnames are passed down from one generation to the next and are often inherited from a person's parents. They can also be changed through marriage or legal name change. The use of surnames is common in formal settings such as in legal documents and official forms. However, in informal settings, Australians often use first names or nicknames.

Surname Frequency*1 Percentage*1 Alternative countries*2
Smith 2.541 0.8% American British Canadian
Jones 1.413 0.5% American British Canadian
Williams 1.309 0.4% American British Canadian
Brown 1.271 0.4% American British Canadian
Taylor 1.094 0.3% American British Canadian
Wilson 1.093 0.3% American British Canadian
Johnson 848 0.3% American British Canadian
Lee 814 0.3% American British South Korean
White 749 0.2% American British Canadian
Anderson 731 0.2% American British Canadian
  • *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 312.612 Australian social media profiles.
  • *2 Alternative countries are countries where this surname also is used. They are sorted on popularity.

Australian first names

In Australia, parents typically pick a first name for their child by considering a variety of factors. Religion, family tradition, and cultural influences all play a role in the decision-making process. For example, some parents may choose a name that is significant to their religious beliefs, such as a name from the Bible or from a religious leader. Others may choose a name that has been passed down through their family, such as a family surname or a name that has been used in previous generations. Additionally, cultural influences may also play a role, with some parents choosing a name that is popular in their cultural community or that has special meaning in their culture. Ultimately, the decision is a personal one and is influenced by a variety of factors unique to each family.

Popular Australian male names

First name Frequency*1 Percentage*1 Alternative countries*2
David 3.696 2.0% American British Spanish
Michael 3.398 1.8% American British German
Andrew 3.066 1.6% American British Canadian
Chris 2.957 1.6% American British Canadian
James 2.876 1.5% British American Canadian
John 2.726 1.5% American British Canadian
Mark 2.627 1.4% American British Dutch
Paul 2.546 1.4% British American Dutch
Peter 2.324 1.2% British American Dutch
Ben 2.252 1.2% British American Canadian
  • *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 312.612 Australian social media profiles from which 187.813 (60%) is male.
  • *2 Alternative countries are countries where this first name also is used. They are sorted on popularity.

Popular Australian female names

First name Frequency*1 Percentage*1 Alternative countries*2
Sarah 2.010 1.6% British American Canadian
Kate 1.227 1.0% British American Canadian
Emma 1.213 1.0% British American Irish
Michelle 1.070 0.9% American British Canadian
Jessica 1.018 0.8% American British Brazilian
Emily 996 0.8% American British Canadian
Lisa 925 0.7% American British Canadian
Rebecca 869 0.7% British American Canadian
Amanda 803 0.6% American British Brazilian
Lauren 792 0.6% American British Canadian
  • *1 The Frequency and Percentage are based on 312.612 Australian social media profiles from which 124.799 (40%) is female.
  • *2 Alternative countries are countries where this first name also is used. They are sorted on popularity.