The most comprehensive name database in the world

Name database with 3.251.185 surnames and 1.507.690 first names categorized by gender and frequency from 139 countries.

Trusted by
leading global brands

Surname database

Our surname database contains 3.251.185 validated surnames from 139 countries. All surnames are official, validated and include the popularity in each country.

Download surname database

First name database

Our first name database contains 1.507.690 validated first names from 139 countries. All first names are official, validated and include the gender and popularity.

Download first name database

Covering 139 countries

We contacted dozens of governments and statistical agencies for official databases. We used 22.055.118 social media profiles to calculate the popularity of each name.

Download name databases

First names *
* Our first name database contains 1.507.690 first names (806.637 male, 701.053 female) including gender and popularity.

Download name database in CSV, SQL or JSON format

Our complete name database contains 3.251.185 surnames and 1.507.690 first names and is available for purchase and immediate download.

After secure payment using your MasterCard, VISA or American Express credit card, we will send an email with a link where you can download the name databases. The data is structured in a simple format and available in CSV, SQL and JSON format.

We took the top 100 surnames and first names from each of the 139 countries and compiled the Name Census top 100. Download Name Census top 100 from Github or Kaggle .